
Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software

Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Boxshot

Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Author


Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Features

Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Want to check out your competitors Sites? Then send in the NINJA ! The ninja will return with your competitors site details NO FANCY HYPNOTIC Sales Page HERE! Were Offering You a Brand New Product EVERY Marketer NEEDS in Their Arsenal Get Your Copy Today, Or Just Miss OutNo Pressure! ;-)

The Ninja will tell you

* The site title * Its keywords * Its description * The text on the Page * All the links on the selected Page (click a link and the Ninjas on it !) * All the Email addresses on the selected Page

You also get:

* This Sales Page * Competitor Ninja PSD images * 3 bonus scripts o 3D Cube Menu Maker o Drop in Box Maker o Advertising Box Maker

You can Sell each script individually or keep them as a package.

Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Price


Buy Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software

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Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Screenshot

Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,BeOS,Mac,Linux,WindowsCE,Palm OS,Other Platform,Windows XP,OS X - Macintosh,Mobile,Windows NT/2000/2003/SBS2003,Windows Vista,PocketPC,Microsoft Smartphone,Windows 7,Android

Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software System Requirements

Competitor Ninja.Competitor Software Want to check out your competitors Sites? Then send in the NINJA ! The ninja will return with your competitors site details NO FANCY HYPNOTIC Sales Page HERE! Were Offering You a Brand New Product EVERY Marketer NEEDS in Their Arsenal Get Your Copy Today, Or Just Miss OutNo Pressure! ;-)

The Ninja will tell you

* The site title * Its keywords * Its description * The text on the Page * All the links on the selected Page (click a link and the Ninjas on it !) * All the Email addresses on the selected Page

You also get:

* This Sales Page * Competitor Ninja PSD images * 3 bonus scripts o 3D Cube Menu Maker o Drop in Box Maker o Advertising Box Maker

You can Sell each script individually or keep them as a package.

